Best Bar None is open to all licensed venues and restaurants in Exeter. To register your interest in joining the scheme please complete the application form and we will arrange for the independent assessor to contact you and book your assessment.
Welcome to Best Bar None Exeter. This independent award for excellence is a way of showing guests that visit our venues that those that display a Best Bar None logo have been independently verified as meeting a higher than normal standard and that they are committed to providing support, safety and security to the guests of Exeter’s hospitality sector. In particular, anyone displaying the Best Bar None Exeter logo has evidenced independently that they:
We as a collective welcome feedback from guests via this website on member venues both positive and constructive and we will always pass that feedback direct to venue and update the assessor for their spot checks.
Antisocial and predatory behaviour has no place in our community, especially when we are all out to enjoy ourselves and as such we continue to work with our partners at SAFER EXETER and the SWaN Charter to ensure member venues are the premier venues in the city when it comes to the wellbeing of guests.
The Best Bar None venues look forward to welcoming you in Exeter soon